12 Fruits And Vegetables Rich in Vitamin C

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The human body cannot produce Vitamin C on its own, you must find some sources like fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin C to add an adequate amount of Vitamin C to your body.

Vitamin C plays a crucial role in maintaining overall health and well-being. It is an essential antioxidant that supports various bodily functions, including collagen synthesis, immune system function, iron absorption, and protection against oxidative stress.

Boost Your Immune System With These 12 Fruits & Vegetables Rich in Vitamin C

12 Fruits & Vegetables Rich in Vitamin C That Help Boost Your Immune System

One of the most vital nutrients for our body, Vitamin C can easily be obtained from foods like fruits and vegetables. It is also widely known as the most potent antioxidant that impacts the functioning of our immune system as well as skin health.

As the human body cannot produce Vitamin C on its own, you must find some source to add an adequate amount of Vitamin C to your health. So, you must find some reference to provide your body with this water-soluble vitamin to stay healthy and enjoy an illness-free life.

It is also vital for the overall development of your body including cartilage, scar tissues, and blood vessels. The foods rich in vitamin C are the superfoods that give us a healthy and long life.

So, if you are wondering how you can incorporate vitamin C in your diet, these are some fruits and vegetables that you must add to your diet:

1. Berries

Fruits And Vegetables Rich in Vitamin C

No matter what member of this family you pick, berries make for a perfect choice and are a rich source of vitamin C and antioxidants. It is one of the best sources of antioxidants and comes loaded with vitamin C.

Some of the berries that you can include in your diet involve raspberries, mulberries, blueberries, strawberries, and blackberries.

2. Broccoli

Boost Your Immune System With These 12 Fruits & Vegetables Rich in Vitamin C

Other than being one of the healthiest choices in vegetables, Broccoli acts wonderfully in boosting your immunity. It also optimizes your overall health and works effectively in repairing your damaged tissue.

Broccoli is also a rich source of nutrients that include potassium, vitamin K, vitamin C, and fiber. The antioxidants present in broccoli also protect your body against the risk of various illnesses.

3. Bell Peppers

Boost Your Immune System With These 12 Fruits & Vegetables Rich in Vitamin C

When talking about the best source of Vitamin C, you cannot miss mentioning red and yellow bell peppers. These contain a good amount of antioxidants and benefit your health in multiple ways. It also prevents your body from the risk of getting lung cancer and also improves the collagen level in the body.

4. Pineapple

Boost Your Immune System With These 12 Fruits & Vegetables Rich in Vitamin C

Rich in magnesium, minerals, and antioxidants, pineapple is the best food to include in your diet to improve your immune system. It maintains a high level of antioxidants in the body.

Pineapple offers immense benefits to your body that include providing aid in weight loss, improving skin health, strengthening bones, helping in improving digestion, and also curing respiratory issues.

5. Brussels sprouts

Boost Your Immune System With These 12 Fruits & Vegetables Rich in Vitamin C

Not many people know this, but Brussels sprouts are one of the fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin C  and can do wonders for your bone health. Sprouts also come packed with essential nutrients like vitamin K, Folate, potassium, manganese, fiber, Vitamin A, etc.

It is one such food that prevents the risk of getting osteoporosis and hip fractures. It also gives a boost to the formation of collagen in the body and strengthens your bones.

6. Lemons

Boost Your Immune System With These 12 Fruits & Vegetables Rich in Vitamin C

The richest source of vitamin C and antioxidants, lemons are one of the known superfoods that cure severe diseases like scurvy. It can benefit your body in many ways. It can help to maintain blood pressure, prevents asthma, and risk of cancer increases the absorption of iron, boosts the immune system, and aid in weight loss. Lemons also contain phytonutrients that protect your body against numerous diseases.

7. Parsley

Boost Your Immune System With These 12 Fruits & Vegetables Rich in Vitamin C

Easy to consume, two tablespoons of parsley contain an adequate amount of vitamin C and many other essential nutrients that support bone health and boost heart health.

Parsley extract also possesses anti-bacterial properties, which is why it is also widely used for medicinal properties. It prevents signs of cancer, and rheumatoid arthritis, and maintains blood sugar levels. You can consume parsley in the juice form or add it to the salad; the choice is all yours.

8. Guavas

Boost Your Immune System With These 12 Fruits & Vegetables Rich in Vitamin C

Other than the tempting flavors this fruit offers, Guavas come packed with flavonoids and vitamin C, which makes it one of the healthiest choices of fruits to add to your diet. One medium-sized guava contains around 126 mg of vitamin C and the antioxidant lycopene.

It helps in maintaining blood pressure as well as cholesterol. You can have it as a snack or in between your meals to gain its benefit. Native to South America and Mexico, these fruits can improve your health in many ways.

9. Thyme

Boost Your Immune System With These 12 Fruits & Vegetables Rich in Vitamin C

If you are looking for a food that boosts immunity, thyme would top the list. Thyme comes loaded with many essential nutrients and vitamins like vitamin C and vitamin K. It is a holy grail to treat illnesses like colds and coughs. It is also a good source of other vital nutrients like manganese, copper, iron, and fiber.

This herb is also widely used in mouthwashes like ulcers, sore throat, whooping cough, and infections.

10. Blackcurrants

Boost Your Immune System With These 12 Fruits & Vegetables Rich in Vitamin C

Whenever we hear the name blackcurrants, the first thing that crosses our minds is ice cream. Blackcurrant gets its rich and dark color due to the anthocyanins, which are antioxidants and flavonoids.

It is also a great source of vitamin C that reduces oxidative damage and protects your body against severe diseases like cancer, neurodegenerative issues as well as cancer. It also works effectively in reducing chronic illnesses.

11. Mustard Spinach

Boost Your Immune System With These 12 Fruits & Vegetables Rich in Vitamin C

Raw mustard spinach is great for improving the function of your immune system and is also a rich source of vitamin C.

It also provides your body with other nutrients like calcium, folate, manganese, potassium, and fiber. Mustard spinach is as good as any other leafy vegetable and you must include it in your diet to gain its benefit.

12. Kale

Boost Your Immune System With These 12 Fruits & Vegetables Rich in Vitamin C

One of the most sought-after cruciferous vegetables, kale is rich in vitamin K content, zeaxanthin, and carotenoids lutein. The antioxidants found in kale help in keeping chronic illnesses at bay. All you need to do is add a bowl of kale to your diet to bring changes to your health.


So wait no more and add these fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin C to your diet to gain the benefits. These foods rich in vitamin C and other nutrients will help you live a longer and illness-free life.

If you’re anything like me, you are super busy and almost never have time for yourself. Check out our 13 Healthy Tips For Busy People article and find some lifestyle suggestions that make you better.

Hope you found this content valuable. Which of these fruits and vegetables will you try out?

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